How Important Is Your Mattress for A Good Night’s Sleep

Are you looking for better sleep? Do you wake up aching and in pain? Do you feel like you haven’t slept at all?

Wondering how important your mattress is for a good night’s sleep? The answer is very important.

Let’s look at some of the reasons why, but first let’s look at what can happen to you if you don’t get sleep well.

Problems with a Lack of Sleep

Did you know that sleep deprivation can lead to health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity? It’s quite staggering that not getting enough sleep can cause such a litany of problems.

Did you also know that not getting enough sleep can cause car accidents, job issues such as injuries and lackluster performance, and even memory problems?

What’s more, not sleeping on the right mattress can cause back, neck, and shoulder issues that never improve.

Now, here are the reasons your mattress is important for a good night’s sleep.

Your Mattress Matters for Weight Loss

When people don’t get enough sleep, weight gain can be an issue. In addition, if you are dieting, you really want to concentrate on getting enough sleep.

According to researchers, people who don’t get enough sleep are less likely to lose weight. In fact, they found that when dieters didn’t sleep as much over a 14-day period, the amount of weight they lost from fat dropped by 55%. This was even though they ate the same number of calories.

Bottomline – when you don’t sleep well or long enough, you feel hungrier, have less energy, and may gain weight instead of losing it.

Your Mattress Matters for Stress Relief

Another reason your mattress is important for better sleep is because it can help relieve stress and anxiety.

Good sleep means you feel better, you’re more energized, and you’re well rested. The right mattress can help you do this.

You’ve probably noted that when you don’t get a good night’s sleep, you wake up feeling anxious. You have a lot to do, but all you want to do is nap. This creates more anxiety because you are too tired to do anything.

The best way to alleviate stress is to keep your sleep disturbances to a minimum. And the best tool for better sleep is your mattress.

Your Mattress Matters for Your Body

One of the most common complaints is back and neck pain from a bad mattress. This in turn affects your sleep.

Since people spend about one third of their lives laying down and sleeping, you can see how a mattress might affect the alignment of your body and form pressure points that ache. When you feel sore and achy in the morning, or even during the night, your mattress may be the problem.

The last thing you want is low back and neck pain and hip pain.

When you purchase a good mattress, it helps support your body and keep it in proper alignment. You want a mattress that provides better sleep because it keeps your body free of pressure points while minimizing your aches and pains.

Your Mattress Matters for Your Allergies

Another reason your mattress is important for a good night’s sleep is because an old mattress can cause allergies which can keep you up at night.

What’s in your old mattress? You will find dust mites that spend all night eating your dead skin cells and dust particles.

Dust mites cause skin allergies and even asthma. Dust mites can even cause nasal congestion which can lead to sleep issues.

Your Mattress Matters for Your Quality of Life

Finally, a good mattress can change your life. It’s an investment in your health and well-being. A new mattress can improve your quality of life because it helps you get enough sleep.

When you get enough sleep, your memory improves, you perform better at work and at home, you are more productive, and you often have less aches and pains.

Sleep that’s disrupted by a poor mattress infringes on your quality of life. Buying a new mattress can change your entire outlook on life because you feel great, and your mood improves.

Final Thoughts on Better Sleep

Research shows that a quality mattress can not only help align your spine, but it can make you feel more energized every day.

What’s the best mattress? The best mattress is really the one that works for you. Most people do great with mattress that is medium firm. Oftentimes, a memory foam mattress that is medium firm promotes better sleep and leads to less pain. If you want to improve your sleep, a quality mattress is the answer.

If you’re ready to buy a mattress, and you’re looking for an online mattress solution that works for you, look no further than Mattress Outlet. Check out our online inventory of new mattresses, and you are well on your way to better health and better sleep.

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash.

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